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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Learn with Subs / Customize your Copilot Agen...

Customize your Copilot Agent, with low code, to respond as you want

Subhad365 Profile Picture Subhad365 17 User Group Leader

Hi friends, today we'll talk about an awesome feature of Microsoft Copilot Agents, whereby you can modify the way it interacts with you. It's a completely low code architecture model, whereby you can write small lines of expression syntaxes, leveraging the underlying engine to understand what you want it to do.
Before we begin, let me give you a short refresher of What are Copolot Agents:
Copilot agents are customizable bots whereby you can ask it to fetch results from any source (aka knowledge base) and fetch it for you. It leverages ChatGPT to understand what are you keying in and converts your query into machine understandable query (NLP). 
And guess what: Microsoft Copilot Studio lets you create agents, both in a dedicated online web app and as a Microsoft Teams app.
Ok, that said, let us crete an Agent:
Sign into, and this will lead you into the following landing page:

 At the left side of the pane, click on 'Agents':

Click on New Agent:
This will start a wizard page, that looks like this:

Type here what you want to do. I am going to create an agent for searching flights:

This will make the Copilot studio understand what you are looking for, and would asj for additonal information:
I have given it a poetic name: Megh-Dootam (Ambassador of the clouds). It's responses are:

I said the following:

To which it responded:

I said, I am done. And it sensed, that I don't need any further input to be given. The Agent now will be ready for deployment. I click on 'Skip to configure':

The following page will be loaded:

Click on 'Add Knowledge':

Here you can add the sources from which the Agent will search from where to query your inputs. You can input as types of sources as you wish. Some of the sources might not be available right away, but subsequently they will.
Click on 'Public website' and keep adding sites from where one can search for :

Click on Add. Before Creating, it asks for confirming what all you selected:

You need to confirm and Click on 'Create' button from the top.
And yes: the Copilot would the Agent and would net-net like this:

Click on Topics tab to get started:

Here you can define how you want your Agent to react with you. 

Suppose, I want to change the Greetings message to be customized -- I need to click on the highlighted node to change the custom message:

I can give a custom message like this, to make the Agent more lively:

Click on Save to continue.
Click on Test button, the Chat will restart as:
Now let us find some flights between Mumbai to New York:

To which it responds (after albeit quite a long time):

Click on the response, the Topics page will look like this:

Here you can set up various settings, that can control various ways in which your agent would respond. 
For example, if you want to addtional data sources as apart from the knowledge from which the Agent searched the data, you can click on Data sources and add/modify:

If you think your Agent is taking lot of times to respond, and it honestly doesn't look good to keep your customers waiting, you can give a Latency message, like this:

Also if you want to find out when the user is concluding the conversation >> Click on 'Condition' and include:

Which means if my Answer is 'Quit', it will understand the discussion is over.:

Ahh, once done, you can Publish the Agent and make it available across your organization:

And it will take a while to finish it to be publicly avaiable and be interactive .

Adddtionally you can provide an icon to make it more see-worthy (optionally) and publish it.

Whew! Let me conclude the topic here, and would soon be back on another topic on amazing capabilities of Copilot. Till then much love and Namaste, as always 💓💓💓 


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