The AssistEdit button is a feature that allows users to quickly access a related page or record for more details. If you want to customize the behavior of this button, you can either hide it or disable it entirely through the page’s properties. This guide will walk you through how to modify the AssistEdit property in a page extension to hide or disable it as needed.
AssistEdit = false;
Thanks for reading...!!☺️
Khushbu Rajvi
To hide/disable the AssistEdit button: we just need to set AssistEdit Property to false, and this button will be hidden on the page (UI).
pageextension 50703 usersettting extends "User Settings"{
AssistEdit = false;
The AssistEdit Property must be set to True to enable the assist-edit capabilities. OnAssistEdit (Page Field) trigger
Thanks for reading...!!☺️
Khushbu Rajvi
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