Hi everyone,
I would like to know is it possible to get inspection questions and answers in the plugin code when the service task is 100 percent completed?
Hi everyone,
I would like to know is it possible to get inspection questions and answers in the plugin code when the service task is 100 percent completed?
Hello Narek,
Were you able to retrieve the response? I’m facing a similar situation and need to fetch the answer using FetchXML for my SSRS report. Based on the screenshot you provided, I need to extract the "Test" value inside the red circle.
Would appreciate any insights you can share.
I think you can try using the 'inspectiondefinitionid' and 'inspectionresponseid' values from the msdyn_workorderservicetasks table.
Let me know if that helps.
I am not sure that is possible at this point in time.
Thank you for your response Ali Khan.
I am familiar with the entities you have mentioned above. This entities are not related to Work Order Service Task. I have forgot to mention in my question that i also need to know from which Work Order Service Task those questions and answers come.
Responses are in the following tables:
Customer Voice survey response or msfp_surveyresponse: a response to an inspection.
Customer Voice survey question response or msfp_questionresponse: each individual response to each inspection question.
Excerpt from (and to read more): docs.microsoft.com/.../inspections-reporting
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