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Generating branded inspection reports

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In Dynamics 365 field service we are conducting a few 100 inspections and the default export to pdf for completed reports is really basic without any branding and desired structure. 
I've taken a review of what's out there and most documentation is a couple of years old. It appears you have a couple of options:
1. Build out your own power automate flows to extract the data from dataverse in the inspection tables (seems to be multiple ones) and then using decoded JSON choose how you wish to output. 
2. Use an add on like DocumentsCorePack to pull this into templates you design in word and equally visually build them out. You can trigger this manually to generate a report or push via power automate. 
I wanted to check if the world has moved on any further and whether if option 2 is still valid. If so, is DCP still the defacto?
  • Suggested answer
    Tom_Gioielli Profile Picture
    Tom_Gioielli 371 on at
    Generating branded inspection reports
    As far as I'm aware those are still your best options. I believe that the inspection "reports" are still actually generated client side through the form, so there is not even a way to use the OOB template (which is non-customizable and very bland) through Power Automate.
    The JSON method is doable, but it is not designed in the friendliest way to parse and extract especially if you have more than one inspection.

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