Hi all,
I am trying to create a report extension in Business Central. I have done it previously several times but I'm not able to make it work now (maybe Microsoft changed something and I didn't realize..).
So, I want to extend report 1322 (Standard Purchase - Order).
1. I have added a new column to one of the datasets:
reportextension 80101 test extends "Standard Purchase - Order"
WordLayout = 'Layouts\test.docx';
add("Purchase Header")
column(zzz; "Buy-from Vendor Name") { }
2. I package, open the word document and I see the new field.
3. I add a couple of fields to the layout (one default field and my "zzz" field).
4. In Business Central, i open Report Layouts, look for 1322 and select "New". Here I upload my custom word layout with the two fields.
5. When uploading, I get this error:
Errors were detected in the Word layout:
/NavWordReportXmlPart/Purchase_Header/zzz specifies a path that is not valid. Required elements or sections of the XML schema may be missing.
Am I missing something?
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!