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Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table

Posted on by 16
Hi all,
since a few days we can't deploy an unmanaged solution from dev environment to production environment (managed) anymore if the dev solution includes a new custom table. 
In the past it worked without issues and that's basically the way how to add new tabeles (former entities). The table/ fields/ views/ forms are included into the dev solution, everything is also working in dev, but trying to deploy the solution to production fails with "dependencies exists blablabla...". 
We checked everything, added required objects (nothing happens since there were no missing objects as everything is in the solution included), tried to remove any dependency (there is no dependency, but checked everything 10-20 times) and so on.
Trying to deploy the solution ends in stating more or less that the table/ columns/ views/ forms... are missing in the target environment (no surprise) and must be added first. Sounds like a circular reference.
Anyone here who has/ had a similar problem and can give a hint in the right direction how to solve it?
Thanks for any feedback.
KR, M.
  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 6,413 Moderator on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Hey Jonas,
    Apologies for the misspelling of your name earlier.
    You're right, the issue could be anything. Microsoft (as mentioned in the link I shared previously) has provided a list of possible errors that can occur during solution import.
    I've also encountered issues with the unmanaged layer, as well as missing components when dealing with multiple new entities.
    In cases where errors occur during import, the system sometimes provides a GUID or component type in the error message. This information can be key in troubleshooting and resolving the issue.
  • Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    I shared a simlair scenario caused by a vendor last week that I had to solve, I don’t expect it to solve this particular Issue.

    We had a Workshop at Nordic Summit where we discussed recent changes to how solutions gets imported, related to Power Platform pipelines, could be interesting to see if there is a correlation.
    And my name is Jonas (-;
  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 6,413 Moderator on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Yeah Johnas but it will show an unmanaged layer error..not dependency one..may we can get more ideas once OP shares some details about the error message.
    There are many reasons but from the error itself we can get some information about the components that are causing the issue.
  • Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 6,413 Moderator on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Yeah Johnas but it will show an unmanaged layer error..not dependency one..may we can get more ideas once OP shares some details about the error message.
  • Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table

    And you don’t have any unmanaged layers in PROD?

    We recently encountered a similar issue in our environments. We had problems with multiple solutions using the same tables (e.g., a solution containing a country table that multiple solutions used in lookups). That created a dependency hell for us

    We solved that by creating a new developer environment with a solution called 'Shared Schema', added the country table to that one, moved that to the developer environment as a managed soltuion.

  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 6,413 Moderator on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Hello User,
    Can you check the dependency of the components and the version between the environment.
    It is possible that the version of common components are not matching in both the environment.
    Thank you,
    Amit Katariya
  • MacG Profile Picture
    MacG 16 on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Hi and thanks for the response, unfortunately this doesn't help.
    To check we also removed any dependencies between any other tables (sure, there're dependencies oob included, like owner etc.). Those tables etc. to oob relations are also included in the dev solution, so there should be nothing missing.
    The solution checker during deployment only complains about that the new table/ columns/ views/ forms of the new entity are missing in production, nothing else. So it ends in "you've added new components in dev, great, but my expectation is that these components are already available in production". 
    Makes no sense, right?
    I'll check if I can post the error, but as we had to deploy to prod we've removed the new table from the dev solution.
    I remember that we had a similar issue with a virtual table, weren't able to deploy and ended up in removing this table and associated functionalities. 
    Maybe it's a topic for MS support.
    Thanks, Markus     
  • Suggested answer
    Amit Katariya007 Profile Picture
    Amit Katariya007 6,413 Moderator on at
    Can't deploy dev solution to production anymore after adding a new custom table
    Hello User,
    When we deploying any components as managed solution. System will always checked if related components are present in target environment or not.
    For example let's say U have created Table A and then Table B. Now you have created a relationship between them. Let's say you only want to move table A.
    In this scenario you will have error that depending components are missing in target environment.
    Make sure related components of your entity are present in target environment else you will face the issue.
    You can past your error message here, we can check it out.
    Thank you,
    Amit Katariya 

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